Hockey Skateboards Summer delivery

New Hockey Skateboards soft-goods and hardware is available with us now.

In-store favourites from the get go, it seems theres no stopping the FA/Hockey camp lately. Hockey has a much darker direction graphically than its sister FA brand, and it's something we all love here at the store. We got a healthy delivery of new boards for all of you that have been asking, and if you've yet to skate one then you're slacking - best shapes, best graphics, best wood, Hockey Skateboards have best everything.

If you haven't seen any of the Hockey Skateboards video offerings yet then hop on youtube because they will make you want to go out and buy everything you can afford from the young brand, the team is no joke. Donovan, John, Ben and Andrew are the realest of the real, pure skateboarding and aggression. Alongside the decks we have a bunch of new gear in-store which should be making its way online soon, new tees, caps and long-sleeves boasting the usual Hockey Skateboards graphic chaos.

The Hockey Skateboards hardware is available online now and the soft-goods are available in-store too.